Contract negotiation is the life-blood of what we do here at Rich Sports. Although many of our clients probably say they would play for free, guaranteeing their long term financial stability and assurance that they are at the front of the market for pay at their position is something we take very seriously. With NFL careers lasting only about 5 years on average, each player must maximize his earning potential and we ensure that by carrying the ball off the field for our players while they take care of work on it. A tenacious, creative and savvy approach to contract negotiation, coupled with decades of contacts within the NFL, helps us to negotiate bigger and better deals for our clients every year.
Public relations and coordination of media events and news is another important aspect of a client’s career that we handle and safeguard. Just as bad press can damage a player’s reputation, good press and marketing nationally and locally can enhance a player’s visibility and ensure endorsement opportunities. Several areas of public relations that Rich Sports provides includes local and national media interview prep/setup and creation and dissemination of client related press releases. One such example is the Rich Sports mock pro day in February every year where our players showcase their skills to the local and national television affiliates. Another such example would be a player's Christmas Giveaway benefit or charity basketball game or our annual golf outing.

- Civil Litigation
- Domestic, Child Custody and Support Issues
- Estate and Tax Planning
- Representation in any NFL Related Grieveances, Hearings or Appeals of Fines and Suspensions
- Advice and Counsel Concerning NFL Player Benefits, Retirement and Severance Pay
- Commercial and Corporate Transactions
- Criminal Litigation
- Real Estate Closings and Purchases
- Drafting of Wills and Trusts
- Obtaining Second Medical Opinions and Coordinating Appointments with Medical Specialists Representation and Filing of Workers Compensation Claims
- Post-Career Counseling, Advice and Off-Season Employment Opportunities
Every player we represent receives a high intensity training program developed for them specifically. The program usually starts shortly after the beginning of the new year. Our program here at Rich Sports consists of training six days a week for 4-6 hours each day, including speed, explosiveness, flexibility, plyometric and traditional weight training. There is a focus on the drills which will be performed at the NFL combine, including the 225 bench press, the 40 yard dash, the 20 yard shuttle, the 3 cone drill, the vertical jump and the broad jump. By correcting small flaws in a player’s technique, both during the exercises themselves and also during the video breakdown and analysis of the technique session, players routinely break their best times in each of these combine drill categories. We also incorporate aquatic workouts, karate training, on-the-field position training, Pilates and yoga into our core-strengthening, balance and agility training program. We choose the training facility that best works for you.
The first order of business when we bring a player in to begin training for the NFL combine is to have him consult with our certified/licensed dietitian. Maybe he needs to add muscle in preparation for the NFL combine, or maybe he needs to shed some weight before his big day testing in front of the NFL scouts and personnel. When assessing the general health and dietary needs of an aspiring NFL athlete we first determine what he is eating and what types of foods he needs to eat to either lose fat, maintain weight or add muscle mass. We analyze the caloric intake and dietary needs of each athlete, taking into consideration each athlete’s “bodpod” measurements, body fat analysis and resting oxygenation levels. After that, we prepare a three ring binder specific to each athlete containing educational materials, sample meals, fat, calorie and carbohydrate content for any food you could think of, and a “food diary” for each player. In many cases we will provide a chef or a nutritionist to help prepare meals that meet the individual player's needs. Your body is a high performance race car...what kind of fuel are you going to put in it?
The "Wonderlic” test is a twelve minute, fifty question test given at the NFL combine in Indianapolis and regularly administered at the pro days of most colleges and universities by NFL scouts. It tests cognitive ability, deductive reasoning and IQ. The thought is, the smarter a football player is, the more likely he is to succeed on the football field. However, just like anything in life, practice makes perfect. As such, our athletes are tutored in areas ranging from logic to geometry over an eight week period in preparation for taking the Wonderlic examination at either the NFL combine or their university’s Pro Day.
The old NFL is gone. Being “bad” is no longer good. With league suspensions and conduct clauses rampant in the news these days, and because of the huge investment these NFL teams make in players, you simply have to walk the straight and narrow if you want to play in the NFL. Nothing less will be tolerated. What matters is how you handle yourself, the image you portray and most importantly how you come across in an interview with a coach, scout or team personnel. Toward that end, we routinely prepare our players for interviewing sessions with teams, having gathered past questions and anticipating areas of inquiry. We spend time making sure players give honest, clear and explanatory answers to questions about past legal trouble, grades, practice habits, injuries, relationships with coaches and how they see themselves fitting in with their new NFL club.